TV Tracking – Realytics

Case studies

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Case Studies


Because all of us are focused on good results!

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We figured you would love some figures

Like anybody, we like results, and good ones. That’s why we pay close attention to case studies, which help us check on the quality of our services, of our recommendations and the results we can achieve.

Those case studies reveal that our solutions are of real help in optimising your TV investments and miximising your ROI. We actually caught a significant drop of the costs of TV acquisition when adjusting your media plan (days of the weekend, day parts, etc.). The result speaks for itself: beyond a Web traffic augmentation, the costs of TV acquisition equals the cost of digital acquisition.

Our solutions provide a wealth of information very useful to improve your creatives: spot length, call to mention, url, etc. Those changes often enable a dramatic increase of your costs of transformation!

For the advertisers focusing on business metrics (purchases, turnover…), adjusting their media plan allow them to multiply their campaign performance. We often note that advertisers can boost their turnover by more than 100% from a campaign to another.

This precious data help us upgrade the quality of our solutions, over and over.


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