TV Tracking – Realytics

Balance of Interest Assessment according to Art. 6(1)(1) lit. f) GDPR


Realytics SAS


Realytics SAS plans to monitor and analyze website traffic and user interactions coinciding with the broadcast of their TV campaign to assess the campaign’s effectiveness in driving web engagement and to optimize future marketing strategies.

Legitimate Interests Identified:

Assessing and enhancing the effectiveness of TV advertising on website engagement.

Optimizing future marketing campaigns based on data-driven insights.

Improving user experience on the website by understanding how users engage with content related to the TV campaign.

Necessity Test:

Question: Is the processing of personal data for monitoring website traffic and interactions during a TV campaign broadcast necessary for achieving the identified legitimate interests?


Monitoring website traffic and interactions is necessary to directly measure the impact of the TV campaign on web engagement.

Analyzing this data is essential for Realytics SAS to make informed decisions on marketing strategies and to tailor future content more effectively to user interests.

Balancing Test

Interests and Rights of Data Subjects (Website Users):

Website users have a right to privacy and control over their personal data.

Users expect transparency and fairness in how their data is processed, particularly in how their online activities are monitored and analyzed.

Potential Impact on Data Subjects:

Monitoring user behavior on the website raises concerns about privacy and data protection.

Users may feel their consent is bypassed if they are not adequately informed about the monitoring activities and the purposes behind them.

Safeguards and Mitigation Measures:

Implementing a transparent and accessible privacy policy that clearly explains the monitoring activities, the purpose behind them, and how data will be used to analyze the impact of TV campaigns.

Ensuring that data collection is limited to what is strictly necessary to achieve the purpose of assessing the TV campaign’s effectiveness.

Providing users with clear, accessible options to opt-out of data tracking and analysis related to the TV campaign.

Utilizing anonymization or pseudonymization techniques to minimize the risk of identifying individual users from the collected data.

Conducting regular privacy impact assessments to ensure ongoing compliance with privacy regulations and to reassess the necessity and proportionality of the monitoring activities.


Realytics SAS concludes that with the implementation of clear transparency measures, user opt-out options, and data protection safeguards, the legitimate interests of analyzing the effectiveness of TV campaigns through website monitoring do not override the privacy rights and freedoms of website users. The decision, along with the detailed LIA, is documented thoroughly to demonstrate compliance with TCF requirements and GDPR obligations.


Documentation and Compliance


Realytics SAS documents the LIA process comprehensively, including the legitimate interests pursued, the necessity and proportionality of the data processing, the conducted balancing test, and the implemented safeguards to protect user data. This documentation is crucial for demonstrating adherence to TCF Purpose 5 requirements and GDPR, ensuring that Realytics SAS can validate its data processing activities as lawful, fair, and transparent.

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